
設計軟實力 -

解密面試官不會告訴你的事…UX/UI 產品設計師面試全攻略

解密面試官不會告訴你的事…UX/UI 產品設計師面試全攻略

解密面試官不會告訴你的事…UX/UI 產品設計師面試全攻略

April 2, 2024

動力 Motivation

動力 Motivation

動力 Motivation

December 11, 2023

設計職等 Career Ladder

設計職等 Career Ladder

設計職等 Career Ladder

July 7, 2023

AI 如何改變產品設計師的日常 AI & product design

AI 如何改變產品設計師的日常 AI & product design

AI 如何改變產品設計師的日常 AI & product design

May 20, 2023

近況更新+如果你的設計師有很強的自我意識怎麼辦? What if your designer have strong ego? | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

近況更新+如果你的設計師有很強的自我意識怎麼辦? What if your designer have strong ego? | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

近況更新+如果你的設計師有很強的自我意識怎麼辦? What if your designer have strong ego? | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

September 27, 2022

面試官被問的問題 Interview questions | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

面試官被問的問題 Interview questions | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

面試官被問的問題 Interview questions | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

March 20, 2022

組織文化差別 Org culture differences | Phoebe So - OKEx - Product Lead

組織文化差別 Org culture differences | Phoebe So - OKEx - Product Lead

組織文化差別 Org culture differences | Phoebe So - OKEx - Product Lead

January 24, 2022

設計策略 How to involve in design strategy | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

設計策略 How to involve in design strategy | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

設計策略 How to involve in design strategy | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

October 31, 2021

跟外國人合作的溝通心法 Working in a Diverse Environment | Hsinyu Kuo 郭子慢慢 - Spatial Research+Design - UX and Service Designer

跟外國人合作的溝通心法 Working in a Diverse Environment | Hsinyu Kuo 郭子慢慢 - Spatial Research+Design - UX and Service Designer

跟外國人合作的溝通心法 Working in a Diverse Environment | Hsinyu Kuo 郭子慢慢 - Spatial Research+Design - UX and Service Designer

September 14, 2021

如何準備履歷 How to prepare your CV | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

如何準備履歷 How to prepare your CV | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

如何準備履歷 How to prepare your CV | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

September 6, 2021

Grab 使用者經驗工程師的魔力 The Magic of UX Engineer | Kah Wai Liew- Grab - UX Engineer Manager

Grab 使用者經驗工程師的魔力 The Magic of UX Engineer | Kah Wai Liew- Grab - UX Engineer Manager

Grab 使用者經驗工程師的魔力 The Magic of UX Engineer | Kah Wai Liew- Grab - UX Engineer Manager

July 3, 2021

成就感 sense of accomplishment | 宮保睿 - 實踐大學工業設計學系助理教授

成就感 sense of accomplishment | 宮保睿 - 實踐大學工業設計學系助理教授

成就感 sense of accomplishment | 宮保睿 - 實踐大學工業設計學系助理教授

June 21, 2021

設計進修 Advanced Design Study | Hung Hsin-Ya - Design Nomads

設計進修 Advanced Design Study | Hung Hsin-Ya - Design Nomads

設計進修 Advanced Design Study | Hung Hsin-Ya - Design Nomads

May 14, 2021

成長思維 Growth mindset | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

成長思維 Growth mindset | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

成長思維 Growth mindset | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

April 9, 2021

升遷 Promotion | Simon Lin- Indeed - Senior UX Designer

升遷 Promotion | Simon Lin- Indeed - Senior UX Designer

升遷 Promotion | Simon Lin- Indeed - Senior UX Designer

March 6, 2021

如何給予和接受反饋 Giving & receiving feedbacks | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

如何給予和接受反饋 Giving & receiving feedbacks | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

如何給予和接受反饋 Giving & receiving feedbacks | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

February 16, 2021

設計你的作品集 Designing Your Portfolio | Diona Lin- Facebook - Senior Product Designer

設計你的作品集 Designing Your Portfolio | Diona Lin- Facebook - Senior Product Designer

設計你的作品集 Designing Your Portfolio | Diona Lin- Facebook - Senior Product Designer

January 20, 2021

設計主管都在幹嘛 What Do Design Managers Do | Leo Lin- DBS - Senior Vice President, Design Standards Lead

設計主管都在幹嘛 What Do Design Managers Do | Leo Lin- DBS - Senior Vice President, Design Standards Lead

設計主管都在幹嘛 What Do Design Managers Do | Leo Lin- DBS - Senior Vice President, Design Standards Lead

January 4, 2021

[Industry Topic] OTA - Online Travel Agency 線上旅遊平台 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

[Industry Topic] OTA - Online Travel Agency 線上旅遊平台 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

[Industry Topic] OTA - Online Travel Agency 線上旅遊平台 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

December 29, 2020

[Industry Topic] FinTech design 金融科技的設計雜談 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

[Industry Topic] FinTech design 金融科技的設計雜談 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

[Industry Topic] FinTech design 金融科技的設計雜談 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

December 17, 2020

[Design chit chat] From junior designer to senior designer 如何從設計師轉資深設計 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

[Design chit chat] From junior designer to senior designer 如何從設計師轉資深設計 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

[Design chit chat] From junior designer to senior designer 如何從設計師轉資深設計 | Liya Li & Rice Tseng

December 1, 2020

設計表達與設計爭論 Articulating, design debate & defense | Wilson Wang - Grab - Lead Product Designer

設計表達與設計爭論 Articulating, design debate & defense | Wilson Wang - Grab - Lead Product Designer

設計表達與設計爭論 Articulating, design debate & defense | Wilson Wang - Grab - Lead Product Designer

October 23, 2020

設計轉職 Career transition | Jeremy Hsu - Agoda - Senior UX Designer

設計轉職 Career transition | Jeremy Hsu - Agoda - Senior UX Designer

設計轉職 Career transition | Jeremy Hsu - Agoda - Senior UX Designer

October 1, 2020

設計面試 Design interview | Danis Lou - Google - Product Designer

設計面試 Design interview | Danis Lou - Google - Product Designer

設計面試 Design interview | Danis Lou - Google - Product Designer

September 16, 2020

產品設計師的能力值 Product design skillset | Joe Hsia - Facebook - Product Design Manager

產品設計師的能力值 Product design skillset | Joe Hsia - Facebook - Product Design Manager

產品設計師的能力值 Product design skillset | Joe Hsia - Facebook - Product Design Manager

September 8, 2020

設計職涯規劃 Design career plan | Liya Li ( Agoda - Design Lead ) & Rice Tseng ( Grab - Design Manager )

設計職涯規劃 Design career plan | Liya Li ( Agoda - Design Lead ) & Rice Tseng ( Grab - Design Manager )

設計職涯規劃 Design career plan | Liya Li ( Agoda - Design Lead ) & Rice Tseng ( Grab - Design Manager )

August 24, 2020

如何透過設計研究影響產品決策? | FengYi Yu & Dayle Chiu - Google - User Experience Researcher

如何透過設計研究影響產品決策? | FengYi Yu & Dayle Chiu - Google - User Experience Researcher

如何透過設計研究影響產品決策? | FengYi Yu & Dayle Chiu - Google - User Experience Researcher

August 16, 2020

產品設計的利害關係人管理 Stakeholder management | Anne Chen - NTUC Singapore - Senior Product Designer

產品設計的利害關係人管理 Stakeholder management | Anne Chen - NTUC Singapore - Senior Product Designer

產品設計的利害關係人管理 Stakeholder management | Anne Chen - NTUC Singapore - Senior Product Designer

July 11, 2020

設計師 vs 設計管理 IC vs Management | Lydia Kuo - Verizon Media - Head of Design & Research, International

設計師 vs 設計管理 IC vs Management | Lydia Kuo - Verizon Media - Head of Design & Research, International

設計師 vs 設計管理 IC vs Management | Lydia Kuo - Verizon Media - Head of Design & Research, International

July 2, 2020

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